Thursday, January 15, 2009

Blog for Darwin

This looks like fun:

A "blog swarm", where not only are they soliciting Darwin-themed blog posts to celebrate the bicentenary of Charles Darwin's birth (February 12th, 1809), but are intending to aggregate them all as well. Regardless of your views on Darwin the man, his scientific prowess (or not), his writings, or the whole evolution vs. creationism mishmash, this still sounds like a very interesting initiative. As I'm firmly in the Darwin camp (although with reservations about certain of his published works, some of which are a very tedious read), I'll be participating, both here and over at Life Science Tools of the Trade.

You can too... click right here to find out how.

Thanks to Heather for alerting me to this.


Joy said...

I in the Cliff Notes version of the Darwin camp and didn't read the tedious stuff. I'll check out the links.

Joy said...

I left out a verb! I AM in ...

It's late; I'm sleepy; and I'm an English teacher who can't stand not to be able to edit my comment. :-)

Heather said...

Me too, I've just skimmed bits that I downloaded to my Palm when I'm on a plane. And have given it up for Crime and Punishment instead.

You are gratifyingly grateful for small favors ;-)

Richard Wintle said...

You're welcome, I think...

"downloaded to my Palm"... you young kids and your technological whizzamahoozits. I still read "books", made of "paper", myself.

Anonymous said...

And here I thought you were writing about the Darwin awards! (I need to slow down when I'm reading.)

Richard Wintle said...

Ha! I love the Darwin Awards, tragic though some of them are.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for signing up!

Richard Wintle said...

Of course, this means I have to actually *write* something, doesn't it? ;)