Saturday, February 16, 2008

Ye Olde Snowman Tayle

From Junior Ricardipus #1's homework assignment, February 13, 2008:

One day, I was walking home from school. I was walking in a field. It was snowing gently. Then I saw a snowman in the field. When I got to the road, I heard a thump, thump thump behind me. I turned around and saw a snowman moving! It looked just like the snowman I saw in the in the field! I walked more and heard the thump thump again. I turned around and there was the snowman. I said "what an annoying thing" and told it to go away, but it just scrached it's head! I screamed as loud as I could in his ear, but it didn't hear me! So, I just walked home to think of a solution there. When I got home I decided to crush it with my hands. And I did.

Now that's good reading.


#Debi said...

Maybe it couldn't hear because its ears were full of snow...

RP1 sounds like, with a bit of encouragement*, he could be the next Scaryduck...

*maybe you shouldn't encourage that...

WyldWoods (WW.N) said...

You were right, that did help.

Oh, and I agree with #Debi.

Richard Wintle said...

wyldwoods - glad to be of service ;). Hope things are looking better.

Heather said...

I'm interested in what the teacher's comments were...

It's highly entertaining in a little bit creepy kind of way. I hope my kids are as morbidly inventive someday!

zoe said...

how MEAN! did the snowman hurt your son? NO. so why crush him? it's time to send Todd over, methinks.

Richard Wintle said...

Send Todd over?

Now *that's* mean... to me, that is.

Although I might score an iPod if he forgets it here.

WrathofDawn said...

Brilliant! It has everything! Suspense, mystery, pathos. Can I get an autographed copy?

Richard Wintle said...

And crushing. Don't forget the crushing.