Friday, December 22, 2006


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh I'm busy right now. What with end-of-year research projects needing completion, Christmas shopping, social events (what? a social life, you say? 'stonishing!), and any number of super-duper-critical-must-happen-RIGHT-NOW! meetings, I'm swamped.

See, it's not just Zoe who's a busy bee these days. Or Dawn with her rehearsals and performances and things. It's me, too, which is why I'm a bit absent at the moment.

[sympathetic noises can be inserted here... although I suspect that derisive ones are more likely]

Forget about April being "the cruellest month" - it's December. See you in January. In the meantime, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and all that.

Come to think of it, January's going to be horrible too...


Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas and New Year.

Anna said...

"[sympathetic noises can be inserted here... although I suspect that derisive ones are more likely]"


Happy holidays, R'pus! : )

Anna said...

oh and

stpadpzo: possibly another derisive noise?

WrathofDawn said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Should auld aquaintance... "


Not yet?


iucajus: French for "juice of the iuca" - a traditional Incan Christmas drink.


The Inca didn't celebrate Christmas? Damn! And them up to their jujubes in poinsettias...

Anonymous said...

sympathetic noises can be inserted here...Aww....bollocks! although I suspect that derisive ones are more likely]" You were right about them being derisive.

Bob said...

Iucajus is very good for the heart according to my superior medical knowledge...have many bottles of iucajus if you can. If not, have lots of wine, vokda, champagne or anything alcoholic which comes to hand.

And a very Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays and all that to you too!

Rik said...

Nadolig Llawen Ricardipii, have a good Christmas.

wv: cband - something you'll need a new one of after too much turkey

#Debi said...

Merry Christmas, R'pus! As I am heading over to Merry Olde England(TM) in the morning, I'm counting on you to keep the continent in order 'til I get back, 'k?

wv: loanz A lovely thing to be reminded of at Christmas...

zoe said...

r'pus, january is going to be hell too, stop quit moaning before it's too late.

oh, and merry christmas!

Richard Wintle said...

...and we thank you all, it was.

Happy New Year all!

WyldWoods (WW.N) said...

Happy New Year!

...and be careful of the "rhdbstyj" that I hear is going around.