Wednesday, September 20, 2006

You know you're a parent if:

2. You have, on at least one occasion, spelled out the words "My Little Pony" with alphabet soup letters.


neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Yesterday I babysat a little girl, friends' child...she tried to con me into peeling the grapes for her.

WrathofDawn said...

3. You've eaten canned spaghetti in the shape of cartoon characters even though you don't particularly like it because a certain little person has delared, "I don't like that anymore" and you were raised by older parents who put you through the Great Depression by proxy and are therefore incapable of throwing away perfectly good food.


Also, could not pass up on today's word - asonsbc. R'pus will know why.

Richard Wintle said...

Hey! Stop jumping the queue! Episode 3 hasn't aired yet... ;)

Not sure what 'bc' stands for but I have a few guesses.

There are, it must be said, foods that the JR's have gone off that even I will not touch. Yeeurgh.

Alistair Coleman said...

I, too, have succumbed to 3). Barney-shaped pasta.

"oggrery": A small greenhouse for keeping small, flightless birds.

Anna said...

Wait until she starts spelling swear words with her soup...

Anonymous said...


A vile, potent spirit made from sugar beet sold by Latvian peasants to gullible tourists.

Anonymous said...

Im pretty sure I have spelled rjosykq with my alphabet soup by accident.

WrathofDawn said...

"qiixad" A Dutch tourism campaign featuring tilting at windmills.

bc = bery cute. My mother said so.

zoe said...

4. you start baby-sitting people who are bleeding from having fallen over in a very drunken stupour.