Not that it's terribly interesting or anything, but I was just perusing my ClustrMap (over there in the sidebar), as one does, and I noticed a few readers in 'interesting' (well, to me, anyway) geographical locations:

Apologies for the quality of the image, or lack thereof - it's been through the dreaded 'screen-capture to PowerPoint and back again' crapulation filter.
Now, feel free to remain anonymous if you wish, but does anyone want to claim ownership of these locales? Answers in the comments box, if you will.
Me? I'm the great big blob close to Toronto, Canada - obviously I haven't gotten around to blocking my own IP address yet. Hey, I can't be relying on you lot to boost my site visits total, now can I?
EDIT: Ok, I suspect that one of those arrows is Guyana Gyal... the one pointing to Guyana, I suppose. I'm too lazy to do the image again without that arrow, ok?
In the meantime, why not go over to OneMoreLevel and waste the rest of your day? You'll need Flash. Come to think of it, if you don't have Flash installed, don't do it. You'll never get anything else done...
A "certain other blogger" has not been identified with a W00t! blue arrow. Does this mean said "certain other blogger" need not identify her blob?
Ta for the props, BTW.
Oh and FYI my VW was ilcbozi, which is only appropriate for a Friday night. TTFN.
From the land of TLAs.
I suspect the New Zealand blog is me :)
I mean BLOB not BLOG
Wrathfulness - we already *know* where you live (MUA HA HA HA HA HA!!!).
WF - ta. Must visit your blob I mean blog.
kzqefsae - I can't even begin to think of a definition for that one...
Hey, that's me, if you look closely you'll see me on the seawall, waving.
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